There's nothing like the golden hour!
Our test plantings in the community garden are growing so well, with our watering schedule in full operation now, thanks to our Planting Team's fantastic coordination led by Sonya and assisted by Heather and Jesse. Thank you to our wonderful scheduled morning waterers Sharlene, Tam, Dayle, Liv, Desiree, Helen and Ellen.
To enable people with all abilities to join in with our watering schedule, we have installed a modified hand watering option where the hose can be manually plugged into a dripper system, so those who cannot carry heavy watering cans and drag the hose around can easily enjoy the zen of watering as well.
The laying of the poly-pipe and drippers ended up being an impromptu intergenerational learning experience, warming hearts and brightening everyone's day. Just what our community garden is all about.
Our sincere gratitude goes to:
A massive thank you to Anthony, from AP Paving, and Jeff, from Coast Projects, for providing and laying the PVC pre-lay for the polypipe during the pathway construction.
We don't know what we would do without the generosity of Anthony for sharing his time and expertise in also installing the accessible watering system, building our limestone seating and helping some of our mini Padbury Community Gardeners to fall in love with the garden and building reticulation too.
A huge thank you for the generosity from Martyn at Western Irrigation Greenwood and Amanda and Greg at Atkinson's Mitre 10 Hillarys and for donating all the reticulation parts for our community garden to ensure we are accessible for all abilities.

Who would have thought a retic disco in the community garden could be so much fun!!!
Intergenerational learning at its best. Filling everyone's bucket.
Padbury Community Garden's thriving plants!!

Thanks for building our seats in time for the Easter Eggs Hunt Anthony. You are amazing!